The agenda packet for Friday, Jan 28th
Below is the city council agenda packet for the Friday 9AM city council meetingÂ
A few net new housing sites have been added for consideration - find it here. Please review it.
As you know, at the Jan 20th meeting,  each councilmember was asked to propose new sites that they wanted added to the site list for consideration/discussion at Friday’s 9AM meeting.
My proposed plan to include ALL possible sites towards an equitable urban plan is not In consideration for Friday.Â
Yan and Kookie’s sites are on the list. Kookie proposed Prospect Center and Saratoga Country Club. Yan has suggested Montalvo (a net new site) and additional housing units for the Quite/Pollard Friendship Park location.
Tina and Mary-Lynne Bernald proposed no new sites.
A few sites recommended by neighborhood groups (only the ones after January 20th) are included in the list above.
Consequences of not having a certified housing element is explained here as part of the agenda packet.
How to join the Friday 9AM meeting • Join Using the Zoom website; Webinar ID 820 3365 0673 OR • Calling 1.408.638.0968 or 1.669.900.6833 and entering the Webinar ID provided above